We’re back hosting part two of our five-part series, where we will be discussing different elements of Property Development Finance. As we’re fast approaching the end of 2021, we want to look forward to 2022 by understanding where the Property Development Finance market currently stands. Which is why in this month’s webinar we’re asking Where is the market post COVID-19?’

You can expect the following key takeaways from this webinar:

  • Planning for a higher tax environment
  • Budgeting for increased building costs
  • Assessing interest rates movements
  • Reviewing mortgage demands and house purchases
  • Preparing for hybrid working
  • Optimising a diverse lending community 

The webinar is expected to last 30 minutes where we hope to highlight to lenders and developers where the market currently stands, so decisions can be made based on present day circumstances.

The webinar will be presented by Martyn Pollock and Adrian Cormican. Adrian formed Hallcroft Finance in 2010 with the aim of creating a brokerage founded on strong partnerships and joint ventures. Martyn is a former lawyer, who has founded both retail and property businesses and has extensive experience in funding property transactions.

The webinar takes place Tuesday 16 November at 08:30 am. Registration for the online event can be found here. Users that have registered will receive an email with a link to join the webinar 24 hours before the webinar starts.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the team: enquiries@hallcroftfinance.co.uk